
  • 类型:美剧地区:英语年份:2010
  • 状态:已完结 共12期
  • 主演:丹尼·韦伯,列维·施瑞博尔,汤姆·布罗考,布莱恩·威廉姆斯,迈克尔·道格拉斯
  • 导演:Marion,Milne,克莱尔·比温,Jenny,Ash,Andrew,Chater,Nick,Green,Renny,Bartlett
  • 简介:详细>


------------------第一部分 故事笔记------------------S01E01 反抗者+S01E02 革命 故事笔记有英国人及其它欧洲人人来到Jamestown,想靠种烟草发财。但是头几年,很多人不仅颗粒无收,而且不得不都忍饥挨饿。当时,是印第安人救了他们。有人来到Plymouth,他们就是后来广被人知晓的清教徒(pilgrims)。同样,他们一开始活得很狼狈,同样是印第安人使得他们存活下来。所以,后来有了一个节日叫做感恩节。英国国王此刻仍然想控制北美的土地。至少,英国每年向美国征收的税收就是一笔可观的收入了。那么为什么隔这么大老远收税呢?因为英国当时和法国交战,战争使得英国需要钱。于是,人民当然奋起反抗英国的压迫。在Lexington打响了第一枪。面对外敌,原本分散的13个殖民地变得更加团结了。他们于1776年7月4日发表了独立宣言,宣布他们将联合起来击退英军,脱离英国的统治。在独立运动的领导人中,有乔治华盛顿,本杰明富兰克林,杰弗逊,亚当斯等后来人们熟知的社会贤达人士。乔治华盛顿领导美国人民战胜英军的过程历时六年。华盛顿是伟大的统治者,他知人善任,独具慧眼。他还建立了后来很少被人知晓的情报系统,这在战争中起到了关键作用。S01E03 西进+S01E04 分裂 故事笔记西部运动,伟大的运动。人们充满勇气,不畏惧前方的困难。beaver海狸是重要的贸易目标Rockie中的grizzly bear灰熊是人们途中的重大威胁。伊利运河(Erie Canal)的开间联通了东部纽约州和中西部南方的种植园大量种植棉花,需要黑奴,北方认为人人生而平等,由此形成了尖锐矛盾。S01E05 内战+S01E06 腹地 故事笔记@为什么会有牛仔?内战之后,人们lived in rural poverty,需要粮食,缺衣少粮的现象在人口密集的东部尤其严重。在中西部地区有大量buffalo,虽然印第安人视之为神圣之物,但是对美国人而言,这只是食物。当时,为了从中西部把牛运输倒东部区,可以通过火车,但是火车只有一部分,德州有1000英里的路程无铁路。于是需要牛仔把牛buffalo和longhorn长角牛手动赶出德州直到遇到铁路。牛仔中有差不多1/3是非洲裔,它们的常见道具是用colt45 手枪和套索(lasso)。有人说,Abraham Lincoln 给了人们freedom,但是colt45手枪使得人人equal.手枪是美国文化中intrinsic的一点,是美国的identity,它象征了美国的独立自足的精神。We always had a pistol or a rifle. And I think it's part of "Don't try to tell me what to do". I'll fight off my enemies on my own."@中国人与当时美国的关系当时的铁路修建过程中,使用了大量中国劳动力。铁路修建也体现了美国精神,使出全身力量,使人人都认为不可能的事情经过艰辛的努力成为可能。        S01E07城市+ S01E08腹地 故事笔记自由女神像是法国送给美国的大礼,以纪念独立宣言100年。当时她被运送到纽约港,放入分散的集装箱中,如果要把它组装起来,即将耗资巨大。这是,普利策发动人们捐款,从而完成了组装。Pulitzer, tenacious newspaper magnate, immigrant, self-made man.为了组装,人们先修了一个铁框架,铁框架是埃菲尔修建的。Liberty's enormous iron skeleton. It's designed by Gustave Eiffel, who will build the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.评价卡耐基的成功:So many American stories of success are diligence, are perseverance, but there's an awful lot of luck involved, too. His timing couldn't have been better.------------------第二部分\t词汇笔记------------------S01E01 反抗者 +S01E02 革命 词汇笔记ambitious, self-reliant, visionaryA continent of vast untapped wealthSelling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.If you want to know what the defining strength of America is, it is our people, our immigrant tradition, our bringing in cultures from all over the world.        That's pretty incredible.Today more than 10% of all Americans can trace their ancestry back to Mayflower.They make peace with the Pilgrims and will launch a surprise attackFrom Jamestown, agriculture spreads across the South,56 delegates from across the colonies gather at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia.It's the first step on the road to American democracy.Among them are John Adams, Patrick Henry, and a gentleman landowner from Virginia named George Washington.S01E03 西进+S01E04 分裂 词汇笔记outlawThe King of England has outlawed any Western expansion.have history有过节Daniel Boone and the Shawnee have history. Only the year before, they kidnapped his eldest son.encapsulateIf there is one episode that encapsulates the American spirit, I think it is probably the move West.try and failboomVillages along the canal boom into dynamic cities.New York City becomes a boomtown.labor-intensiveThere are 30 species of cotton worldwide. Growing it's no problem, but processing the fiber before it can be spun into cloth is labor-intensive, especially separating the seeds.explodeThe concept of mass production using a machine just exploded everywhere.witch hunt The search for runaway slaves had become a witch hunt.burningSlavery is the burning issue of the day.S01E05 内战+S01E06 腹地 词汇笔记pistol 手枪 rifle来福枪 lasso套索 barbed wire铁丝网(这是这么一个小小的东西,降低了70%的篱笆的成本,起到了保护耕地的作用,农耕者并且成功地在牛仔盛行了20多年之后,)30 million buffalo, herds up to 25 miles long, race to summer breeding grounds, on a collision course with the modern world.carnage of the civil war内战的屠杀The cowboy mentality is a spirit of individuals.牛仔是一种独立精神的体现。stampede惊跑德克萨斯长角牛的形成Cattle brought over by the Spanish in 1493 had bred with settlers' cows from England, breeding a new breed, the Texas Longhorn.S01E07城市+ S01E08腹地 词汇笔记beacon灯塔the Statue of Liberty becomes a beacon to the world,pedestal 基座 winch 绞盘 copper shell铜片 rivet铆钉 beam横梁 Ellis Island 埃里斯岛A catastrophic stock-market collapse 股市衰退The Gilded Age镀金时代 Pittsburgh transforms from a sleepy town to the industrial heart of the nation.Building skyscrapers is the nearest peacetime equivalent of war.建造摩天大楼是和平时代没有硝烟的战争S01E09萧条+ S01E10二战+S01E11超级大国+S01E12黄金时代 词汇笔记the bank has only kept itself afloat by cooking the books这家银行只有靠做假账来维持the Bank of United States has collapsed, Confidence in US banks disintegrates. 合众国银行倒闭,人们的信心土崩瓦解。Hoover Dam胡佛大坝(其实,罗马人2000年前就学会了使用混凝土。)The tunnels can only be dug when the river is low. 隧道只能在枯水季节挖掘This is the 1930s' equivalent of putting a man on the moon. 这座大坝可谓20世纪30年代的"登月"计划。it gave us all a sense of the possible. 让我们相信一切皆有可能Hoover Dam还促进了Las Vegas的繁荣,工人们在高危险的工作之后去赌城娱乐放松。Dust Storm 沙尘暴, 1934年,严重的沙尘暴席卷美国。The American spirit is forged in the fires of the Great Depression.We are pioneers...and trailblazers.To fly around this open vehicle at top speed was just something every American boy wanted to grow up to do.atomic bomb原子弹\tStars and Strips星条旗stare up at the heavens仰望苍穹But for a few minutes one summer night, we all stood and stared up at the heavens. It’s a different story.这是个大相径庭的故事。The Erie Canal is America's next great conveyor belt of commerce. It links the Eastern sea board to the Great lakes 伊利运河成为美国的贸易大传送带,伊利运河把东部沿海地区和五大湖区连结起来Communist spies even infiltrate the Manhattan Project. 打入We have this ideal of American life我们认为理想的美国生活as the two parents, two children就是父母和两个孩子brand new gleaming American cars with fins开着闪闪发亮的新车,想去哪里就去哪里the size of Pennsylvania coming off the rear of it将宾夕法尼亚远远抛在后面。20万英里的铁轨从险峻的地形中喷薄而出200,000 miles of track came out of hostile terrain.There is no going back.没有退路


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