
  • 类型:喜剧片地区:美国年份:2015
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,莎莉·菲尔德,马修·劳伦斯,哈维·费斯特恩,罗宾·威廉姆斯,马丁·马尔,罗伯特·普罗斯基,保罗·吉尔福伊尔,莉萨·雅克布,安妮·哈尼,特伦斯·麦克格文,玛拉·威尔逊
  • 导演:克里斯·哥伦布
  • 简介:丹尼尔•希拉德(罗宾•威廉斯饰)因与同事产生摩擦而辞掉了配音员的工作。家中可爱的孩子给了他十足的快乐,于是丹尼尔在儿子..详细>




丹尼尔•希拉德(罗宾•威廉斯饰)因与同事产生摩擦而辞掉了配音员的工作。家中可爱的孩子给了他十足的快乐,于是丹尼尔在儿子生日的时候,与孩子们疯狂的玩耍起来。当妻子米兰(莎莉•菲尔德饰)达看到家中一片狼藉后十分生气。面对不争气的丈夫,米兰达决定与之离婚,因为没有工作,丹尼尔也失去了孩子的抚养权。  丹尼尔对孩子们无比思念,突发奇想乔装成一名老太太——道特菲尔太太应聘成为妻子家中的佣人。不懂家务的丹尼尔闹出了不少的笑话,却无形中为米兰达减轻了负担,孩子们也开始依赖这名“老太太”,“道特菲尔太太”成为了他们家中的重要一员,丹尼尔也因此改变了不少。  但面对米兰达的新男友的恋情,“道特菲尔太太”暗中捣乱。米兰达生日当天,丹尼尔需要以真实身份与“道特菲尔太太”的身份周旋与电视台主管与米兰达之间,使他狼狈不看。匆忙间会否被米兰达识破身份呢?展开全部
Mrs. DoutfireToday, my topic is "father's love". This film tells a divorced actor who dresses up as a female housekeeper to be able to interact with his children. Although it is a comedy movie, there are many heart-warming plots in this film. Children in this family are all love their father very much because he could read stories for them and play with them like a friend. And also, children was the air of father. He can forget all unhappiness when he thinks of his pretty children. He makes up as a woman housekeeper, he can do everything for his children. The three children also love their father very much. When their mum took them to date with her new boyfriend, children recollected everything about their father. At the end of the movie, this family was still separate. But the father can be with children for few hours a day. Maybe Daniel is not a good husband, but he's really a good father. Nowadays, parents are usually busy with work. They have less time to accompany their children. On account of that, children will be not so close to parents. So, please spend much more time in accompanying families.

