
  • 类型:剧情片地区:美国年份:2015
  • 状态:
  • 主演:西尔莎·罗南,詹森·艾萨克,辛西娅·尼克松
  • 导演:尼克勒·贝克威思
  • 简介:莱雅在还是孩子时被本偷走,并被本在地下室养大。待到莱雅长大成人,才在警察的帮助下重新回到自己的家。时隔多年,莱雅已经不..详细>



「I can't decide what the wrost thing that's ever happend to me is... being with you my whole life or being without you for the rest of it.」

「It's natural to feel conflicted about my feelings. But how can you have feelings about something when you don't know anything about it? That's how I feel about everything.」

「Is this how people love? They become a room for you to live in, and then they lock? How many rooms do you get in your life? Am I lucky or unlucky?」

「I didn't leave because you were bad. The whole point of taking everything away from me in the first place was that I would get to be someone. I mean, I am someone, when I'm alone. But when I'm with other people, I am what they think I am. I don't know how to be that. And I think I don't want to be something to share anymore. I thought you couldn't choose your family and that you were trying to make me choose you. But then I saw that Ben chose me. He picked me out, and he made me his. And there is no one choosing that. There is no un-growing up. It's time for me to grow up for good and have something that's mine. And mine only. Sincerely, Leia.」

