
  • 类型:经典片地区:法国年份:1974
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:安妮卡·阿尔维纳克尔·朗斯代尔奥尔加.乔治斯-皮科
  • 导演:阿兰·罗布-格里耶
  • 简介:飘飘欲仙/超模嫌疑人在线观看,飘飘欲仙/超模嫌疑人在线观看,两名年轻女性之间的性心理导致其中一人被杀,而凶手是另一名女..详细>




4.5二刷,没看过小说,从表演方式入手终于弄明白了影片主旨。除了babyfat女主之外所有配角对情欲的坚决否认,女主一开始对谋杀指控的模棱两可,主配角N次直视观众后的直抒胸臆(所谓打破第四面墙?),整个过程可视为情欲客体对道貌岸然主体肉欲的一再指认,同时也是主体即观众的借刀杀人——主体借女主这个‘捏造’的人格之手先制造谋杀,后栽赃陷害,值得注意的是,这些人控诉女主的措辞明显带有作者的反讽,如If this man exists,he didn't use a key. 如The inspector found the lock forced. the lock forced可意译为强行插入。。如The blue shoe's a talismanagainst bad luck.cops, crack-ups, VDand trouble in general."如Likeness, repetitions,substitutions, pretense. Enough! 层层转嫁的污名化You're a beached ship,an open shell, a sticky bitch,a crushed frog.51分44时耐人寻味的自白I am the sole cause.Death passes. Blackbird. Black beauty, weary seagull. 55分:21-You know how nuns are.They have odd private relations.Really? What sort? Sadomasochist. 01:03分-牧师:I'm the shepherd of all lost lamb. I'm interested in every fresh arrival to this flock. 01:07分 I heard of dungeons,chains, whips... even worse律师:Really? For whom? 女主答:For the spectators. 01:09分-牧师:Beware of these people! Beware of this place! Accusation is a prologue to crime. Confinement entices vice! I'm not your father! This place is hell! I saw your game with that Devil-branded creature. Evil is there... ...and there! 女主:One Sister often touches me there. 牧师:What? Poor child,tell me the details. As many as possible,for your salvation. 女主:I've seen acts I don't understand. 牧师:Acts between whom? 女主答:Nuns and prisoners,mostly the pretty ones. 牧师Describe it all or the God of Anger will burn you alive over a slow fire. 女主:Father, I dare not. 牧师:Speak, you whore! 01:23分-女主Last night I dreamt the pastor was marrying me,but when I knelt to pray,he caressed me. His hand groped through the lace and up my thighs to my genitals. I knew he was sexually obsessed.He'll commit suicide.律师:All who approach youare perverts, insane. Libertarian! Offense! Structure! Disorder! Relapse! Evidence.Reenactment. Pleasure. Recidivism. Permutation. Relapse. Disorder! Toad. Rape. Parricide. Division. Inversion. Bitch. Games. Sperm. Sloth. Whore. One pair of shoes... two pairs... three pairs... Theme of broken glass. 昭然若揭的角色扮演01:36分We wait a little. Wait for what? Well, for the prosecutors,the police superintendent, all the people who have to be herefor the reenactment. Who will play the murderer? I don't know,a cop probably. Maybe that guywho's on guard at the door. And to play Nora? They surely have someone. When is it supposed to start? Theoretically, right now,but they are always late. We're always waitingfor someone, or something. 他们的身份有牧师,修女,警察,律师等等,权力的一体N面为淫欲穿上的蓝色新鞋,成功污名化女主,所以女主才会对律师说:(牧师)He'll commit suicide(因为已被我勾引)suicide还是homecide都由主体说了算,他们当然会说是自杀啦!这样的人格分裂仅仅指向权力阶层,单看情节和人物关系,这么说没纰漏,但你无法忽视人物这么多次挑衅,分明不想让各位看客安宁嘛。。说到这里,本片有一点始终很暧昧,这到底算是对人性虚伪的控诉还是对纵欲的伸张?鉴于作者法国小资产阶级的身份,答案,呃。。。无论如何,感谢格里耶奉上这部‘’过去将来时‘’作品。有时间写个带英文字幕的图解日记

