
  • 类型:剧情片地区:美国年份:1922
  • 状态:DVD
  • 主演:鲁道夫·克里斯提,杜邦小姐,梅·布希,莫德·乔治,埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆,戴尔·富勒,塞萨雷·格拉维纳,马尔维娜·波罗,奈杰尔·德·布鲁里亚,罗伯特·艾德森,哈里森·福德,瓦莱丽·杰曼普莱兹,玛丽·菲尔宾
  • 导演:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆
  • 简介:德国移民导演埃里克。冯。施特罗海姆花了 130 万美元和 11 个月的时间制作了一部超级文学电影。原版长达五个小时,被..详细>



德国移民导演埃里克。冯。施特罗海姆花了 130 万美元和 11 个月的时间制作了一部超级文学电影。原版长达五个小时,被浓缩成三个半小时公开发布。由于成本惊人,这位好莱坞大亨对艾​​瑞克颇有微词,但后来因影片出人意料的成功而放弃。故事发生在 1919 年的蒙特卡洛。埃里克饰演一位白俄罗斯王子,他欺骗了一位美国外交官的女儿,并以剥削他的情妇——一个丑陋的女仆为生。在性虐待狂的驱使下,他强奸了一个不幸的白痴女人。最后,他被杀了,他的尸体象征性地被扔进了臭水沟。 Eric 对自然主义情有独钟,希望在画面中展现所有的爱情史。他特意在加利福尼亚海岸设置了蒙特卡洛的赌场和雄伟的宫殿,在灯光上也有非常大胆的做法。画面中还充斥着充满感官刺激的煽情暴力场面,甚至还烦到电检组剪掉了部分画面。影片中,艾瑞克以凄美悲观的眼光观察人类,猛烈抨击上流社会的颓废和封建主义,流露出愤怒而感伤的怜悯之色。另一方面,他对低级人物和受骗女性给予同情关注,表现出独特的“埃里克式人道主义精神”。展开全部

Erich von Stroheim’s third feature, the most expensive film made at that time, cost more than $1 million, this restored 142-minute version makes most of the surviving film footage to present its entirety, still elisions are evident, especially relative to the downfall to the protagonist “Count” Sergius Karamzin (von Stroheim), an imposter of aristocrats with his two accessories-and-kissing-cousins, “Princess” Vera and Olga Petchnikoff (Busch and George), the final blow is omitted.

Renting a cliffside castle in Monte Carlo (a magnificent replica built in the Hollywood studio) and tucking in caviar for breakfast, Sergius and co. must earn extra lucre to maintain their opulent existence besides the usual business with the banknote counterfeiter Cesare Ventucci (Gravina), who, inexplicably, still lives in the sleazy environs with his dim-witted but nubile daughter Marietta (Polo). When a US envoy arrives to meet Albert I, Prince of Morocco, Sergius finds his next quarry in the person of Helen Hughes (DuPont), the 21-year-old wife of Andrew Hughes (Christians, in his last picture), the said envoy.

This reviewer hopes he is not the only one who finds Sergius’ chaining-smoking, monocle-sporting, continental noble mannerism appallingly off-putting, but as beauty is in the eyes of its beholder, Ms. Hughes, derisively denoted as an unsophisticated, incredulous, cocooned American wife, embraces Sergius’ guise wholesomely, much to the chagrin of her husband, and precariously puts her own reputation on the line during a stormy night when she goes out with Sergius alone, saved by the fortuitous appearance of a passing-by monk (De Brulier), yet the unmitigated grubbiness of Sergiusnever relents, he soon easily ropes naive maid Maruschka (a woebegone Fuller) into giving up her petty savings on a false promise of matrimony, and simultaneously sows the seed of his undoing, which catches up with him after successfully extracting money from Ms. Hughes out of her own volition.

It smells like a vanity project, but von Stroheim at least manages to transmute his production excesses into something of a spectacle, not least for its money shots of a turret engulfed by fire and the actors’ desperate derring-do of jumping onto a spring mattress. Although the attendant metallic store by András Hamary of this restored version may not cleave closely to the emotional ups-and-downs of the narrative, von Stroheim’s FOOLISH WIVES, for what it is worth in its pieced-together form, like the meta-novel Mr. Hughes reads, cunningly reflects a satirical sting out of its full-fledged enterprise of a cautionary tale.

referential entries: Billy Wilder’s SUNSET BLVD. (1950, 9.0/10); F.W. Murnau’s FINANCES OF THE GRAND DUKE (1924, 6.3/10), SUNSET, A SONG OF TWO HUMANS (1927, 9.0/10).


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